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Kaayam Mahedi raaho hasenda

Hassan Shaah
bhg4-039 - 600 Ginans published by: Recreation Club Institute, Bombay, Khoja Sindhi Printing Press, 1934

Eji Kaayam mahedi raaho hasendaa
sat kari sirevo shaah ke nitaan ji 1

Eji Un- kun sirevo jenne ham tam sirajyaa
jene ruhun pindi sarve ditaan ji 2

Eji Balabe divddaa sahej baladaddaa
tis-me paayaa tel ami-adhaa ji 3

Eji Jis kaarann men baallkar dhariyaa
aanhi milo so moman bhaai nitaan ji 4

Eji Ami-adhaa paak piyaalaa huaddaa
so to bhar bhar moman bhaai pitaa ji 5

Eji Piyo piyo moman huo matvaalaa
jine naam saaheb jikaa letaan ji 6

Eji Taaraa de raanni Harichandhra raajaa
tini kalash amiras pitaan ji 7

Eji Korav Paandav jagaddaa huaddaa
tis me konn haaryaa ne konn jityaa ji 8

Eji Korav haaryaa ne Paandav jityaa
Paanddav gaddh amaraapuri potaan ji 9

Eji Shaah jaa moman huaa didaari
jenne mandhaa maariyaa pitaan ji. 10

Eji Shaah je haatt lago vannjaaro
us-me kiyaa letaa ne kiyaa detaan ji 11

Maannak dai-ne padaarth vannjyaa
alaa vannaj chan-ge hatt kitaa ji 12

Eji Eh ginaan mahaaras Pir gofte Hasan Shaah
fal sachaa yaaraa moman letaa ji 13

Jodilo 3

Audio for Kaayam Mahedi raaho hasenda

Translation & Transcription

Kaayam Mahedee Raaho Hasse(n)daa - Translation A

Kaayam Mahedi raaho hasenda


ejee kaayam mahedee raaho hase(n)daa
sat karee seerevo shaah ke neetaa(n) jee....................1

The Everliving Intercessor is seated on the Path with pleasure
OR has bestowed upon us the Path with pleasure.
Serve the Lord (Imaam) truthfully everyday.

ejee unaku(n) seerevo jenne ham tam seerajyaa
jene ruhu(n) pee(n)dee sarave deetaa(n) jee..................2

Worship the one who has created you and me,
the one who has given us all the souls and bodies.

ejee balabe deevddaa sahej bala(n)daddaa

Kaayam Mahedee Raaho Hasse(n)daa - Translation B

Kaayam Mahedi raaho hasenda


Pir Hasan Kabirdeen

O soul! The path of the qaaim - Al Mahdi the Imam,

the Eternal One (the true path and the everlasting one)

understand this truth and follow the Master carefully

always ...1

O soul! Follow that Master who has created you and me,

the one who has given (us) the body, soul

and the rest ...2

O soul! Kindly up the spiritual flame of your spirit which

is just existing, this can be done by adding the fuel

of the elixir of life (amiras, meaning Abbe Safa) ...3

O soul! That is why I have kindled up the Gat Pat

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