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06. Mysteries of Creation

He, the Wali, knows all mysteries of the creation. The salik, or talib, has to obey his orders. By complying with his orders, and acquiring the wisdom, the salik completes the ascension (what the Sufis call uruj).(1) "This is not the doctrine of the transmigration of souls; this is only the manifestation of the (Divine) emanation," as the author of the GR states.

What is (the spiritual) origin of man (hidayat) ? (2) (p. 8.). It is from the Truth; and the ultimate purpose, nihayat,(3) is the return (ruju). The author explains that Prophetic mission is temporary and finite, fani, while the wilayat is continuous, buqi (p. 9). The purpose is to convey the light of knowledge. Da'i receives it from the hujjat, the latter- from the Imam, and the initiate-from the da'i. Whichever the da'i reveals to him the mysteries, kept hidden from the hostile people, the morning of the real knowledge (ma'ani) dawns upon him, filling him with its light, in all its gradually increasing degrees (p. 9). The author, gives the outlines of the spiritual progress from the darkness (zulmat) to the Light (nur). Further on (pp. 11, 12) he gives Ismaili interpretation of different Sufic symbols. The existence of spirit, ruh, i.e. conscious and active soul, is due to its capacity of knowing the Imam (p.13).

The author proceeds (p. 13) with the discussion of predestination, as mentioned in the GR, question 9 :

Thou didst not exist when thy actions were created.
Thou hast been chosen for some special purposes
This is explained by reference to the whole system of the creation. One was destined to become Muhammad, and the other - Abu Jahl. Pp. 13-15 contain explanation of the struggle of the soul with the forces of chaos and confusion, the Gog and Magog threatening to overcome the order and peace, in the form of brutal passions. It is only the reason and light of religion which helps to subdue them. The meaning of the words about God's having created man after His own semblance, is exactly the presence of that Divine Light in the human nature.

1. The corresponding old Ismaili term is ma'ad
2. Original Ismaili term is mabda or iblida.
3. Ismaili term is intiha.

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