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Ali ibn Muhammad al-Sulayhi, Dai

1020 - 1067

Texts for Ali ibn Muhammad al-Sulayhi, Dai

16.0 Da'i Ali lbn Muhammad al-Sulayhi (b. ca 410-1020 d. 459-1067)

Ali ibn Muhammad al-Sulayhi, Dai

Yemen, like Syria, had come in contact with lsmaili da'wa at a very early point in Islamic history. Already in the time of the Prophet, Hazrat Ali Murtazah was sent on mission work there for not less than three times. The Yemenite Muslims were, therefore, long aware of the lmam of Ahle-Bait, and when in the second half of the 3rd/9th Century the Ismaili da'i Abu ai-Qasim ibn Hawshab, Mansur al-Yemen, arrived there, he found no difficulty in bringing many of them in the fold of Ismaili da'wa.

Texts for Ali ibn Muhammad al-Sulayhi, Dai

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